Friday, June 17, 2011

I feel like a detective!

It consists of gather information, phone calls and lots of research.
Recently as most of you know we have had our hands full lately. Basically one problem or situation after another.
I cant talk about it too much right now but today feels like we have finally hit the top of the Mountain that we have been climbing for the last few months. It has been a difficult climb and we have learned a lot but for now, I think we might have just reached the hardest peak to date. We cant get overly confident yet but looking back it has been amazing how many little things have happened either to make us stronger or point out "little tender mercies." I have not been myself for a while now and it feels good to have the "old Melissa" coming out of her shell again. Things happen for a reason and it might be hell going through it at the moment but in the end, I am grateful for my challenges and trials. I think it really makes you look back on recent experiences and shows you where you need to improve either in your personal life i.e. relationships or just in everyday situations. I cant tell you how many times the little phone calls of encouragement came just at the right time when we had just been hit with a major blow. Tonight I am just very grateful for all my dear friends and especially my family.

We ♥ you!


The Gathering Place said...

We love you guys, too! Hope you are soon on the downhill side!

Laurel said...

I know I don't know everything that's going on, but I know that I hate that when it rains, it pours. I am so glad you are slowly getting to the tops of your peaks, and I hope everything can keep getting a little bit easier for you two.

I'm sure this "different" Melissa is still pretty fantastic, but I'm glad you're feeling like yourself again, too! Such a good (and relieving!) feeling, eh? Sometimes it takes a while to really feel like you're getting out of a ditch (or over an entire mountain range), but one day you just start feeling a little bit better.

Love you, Melissa!

Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

We love you guys too too! There really is nothing like a good support system and our family is pretty good at giving that support. I hope you have felt all the love and prayers we have for you guys!

julie said...

Well said! We love you guys!

linda said...

Love you guys. I loved the previous comments and I know they have all helped "Pray" you through this. Hang in there and most importantly keep the good attitude. I have seen you both grow so much. I know Heaven is aware of you.I read today that when we pray, it is our relatives that have passed on that come down to administer as angels.(It was in a book that Julie gave Mardene) If that is the case, you are being watched over by the best.

jen said...

We love you guys too Mel! I am glad you are feeling better about things. When Brady & I went to the temple the other night I sat & thought about you guys. We put both your names on the prayer list. Linda, that gave me chills... I have never heard that before, so thanks for sharing! Yes, if that is the case... you have quite a wonderful group of amazing deceased relatives that are coming down to administer as angels. Glad to hear the old Mel is coming back! Love ya!

linda said...

you need to come and use my computer and blog!