Saturday, November 20, 2010

My awesome cousin Shane!

This sweet man is my cousin Shane Mitchell. He recently was taken from this earth way too young and was quite the class act. I was thinking back today about what an amazing family we have and how much we really do truly love each other. We are extremely close and love to get together and celebrate! On this day, Shane had returned from serving our country and like the Halls do, we celebrated!!
We got up early and lined the yard with as many American flags as we could find. It was truly breath taking.

some of us that were gathered that day.

Did I mention how much I love these people! Truly such a great group !

We will miss you Shane! I know that it hasnt been very long since you passed but I swear everyday I think about your sweet little guy Preston and Holly. We know that you are on the other side sharing the gospel like you did here on earth. We love and miss you and cant wait until the day that we get to be with you again


Linda said...

sweeet tribute Mel. We do have a great family and I am thankful for everyone of them!!

The Gathering Place said...

I agree with you 100%! Nice tribute!

Michelle C. said...

Awesome post! I totally agree with you. Our family rocks (ok that sounds kind of egotistical, but its true). I'm excited to see everyone on Thanksgiving. That Thanksgiving with Shane will definitely be on our minds. That was one of my favorite family memories. Love ya!

julie said...

Love you guys so much!