Tuesday, September 16, 2008

7 things about me

Okay so Liz had this on her blog and I am stealing it...
7 Things that attract me to the opposite sex
1. When Mitch wears Kenneth Cole Black cologne... yummm
2. Mitch taking care of me, putting a roof over my head.
3. Showing his softer side, not being afraid to get emotional.
4. When he fixes things around the house.
5. Doing the laundry
6. Doing the dishes
7. Calling to see how my day is going
7 of my Favorite foods
1. Princess Chicken at Thaifoons
2. Chicken Roll up's
3. Crepes
4. Lettuce Wraps
5. Mom's hot fudge on just about anything.
6. Burgers from Duke's in Honolulu and Hawaiian Ice
7. Chicken Alfredo @ siscero's in Park City
all of these with Diet Coke of course!!
7 Things that I can not do
1. Run a increase to save my life.... NO BONUS FOR ME
2. Keep up with the Laundry and dishes
3. teach Hunter to do anything but I am trying.. I almost got his to Shake... ALMOST
4. Change a tire
5. Change a car battery
6. make bread, it never works!
7. ride anything at Lagoon with out wanting to die afterwards
Celebrity's I admire
1. Elizabeth Hasselback from the view
2. Marie Osmond (great customer)
3. Oprah, anything she loves we sell! :)
4. Martie the weather lady from ABC 4. She is so sweet and always looks perfect
5. My parents... I know they arent Celeb's but they should be
6.okay while I am on a family kick we will add Chris and Ally and Audge and Brett
7.Mitchie as well... He's my famous drummer!!
7 Things I say most often
1. Shizzle
2. I love you
3. Supaaa Dupaaa
5. Are you a part of our Nordstrom Rewards Program?
6. I need a new job...
7. Mitchie Witchie
7 Things I can do
1. My passion is cooking, I love it. It doesnt always work out for me but I enjoy learning and trying new things
2. I'm finally learning to say no. Customers are helping me accomplish this!
4. I am trying to be a good wife.
5. Give Hunter a haircut, poor fella
6. slowly catch onto Spanish
7. Help other people spend their money!
7 things that I plan to do before I die
1. Travel to Chile and meet Mitchell's family in Santiago and Vina
2.Be a mother
3. Take a cooking class or two
4. go back to school
5. get sealed in the temple someday
6. travel the world with my hubby
7. go on a humanitarian trip.
I tag Gena, Ally and Val


Liz, Karl, Madison, Brooklyn, Aubrey and Zachary said...

Nicely done Meliss, You are so funny. I love that dog of yours that you have "Almost" got to do stuff. SO funny

Valarie said...

Fun tag - I love your answers! I'll give it a try! hey email me and I'll give you directions

Andrea said...

Melissa, you are seriously such a crack up! I love talking to you and reading what you always makes my day a little brighter. Thanks for sharing some fun things about you...and for not tagging me!

Anonymous said...

Had fun with you today. Thanks for the celeb status!!!! i am famous around here for something (accidents)...loved reaading your answers. i know more now than when I raised you! here's to diet coke! love,Ma'Ma'

Anonymous said...

I really can spell, I just can't do this with my finger in a splint! xoxoxo mom

Valarie said...

Thanks for coming last night - it was great to see you! let me know when you can do lunch, I'm game anytime!

Unknown said...

Glad you found me. :) Now I gotta catch up on your blog.