Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving day

Here is Mardene in my moms Formal Front Room. Mardene has been like a grandma to us since Grandma Hall died when we were so little. We love you deenie!!!

Don't you think my mom is creative. She got sugar ice cream cones and steamed them till they were a little flexible. She bent them and filled them with candy to make little cornucopia's

This is my mom getting ready for everyone to come. Sorry Jo, I stole your pictures because my camera died.

This is one of my favorite rooms at my moms house. Its always looks perfect!


Gena said...

if you have inherited your moms decorating skills, i'm so hiring you one day!

Nicole said...

So fun! I can't believe how much your Mom's house has changed since I was there last. Do they still have the wood floors? You know the ones I smacked my chin on and got a nice bruise...good times! :P

Valarie said...

Dang I love your mom's house and she is so creative - cute cornicopia idea!
PS - I tagged you on my blog!

Michelle said...

Wow, G O R G E O U S! I must say, now that I am home with little Nathan, I have even more desire to be creative and cutesty and make things beautiful. Maybe one day I will be as good as your mom, although I'm not sure...I have a LONG way to go!